Hi, I am Stephen Russo, and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself, so that you may know why I designed this whole-house water filtration system the way I did. I have been in the water business for over 40 years. Approximately 29 years ago, I had a medical problem and wanted to find out how and why it happened to my body. In my research I found that most physical problems were somehow linked to one or more contaminants in tap water.
That started my research on water. At the time, I was selling water softeners and reverse osmosis systems. I realized that I knew very little about water. I was only good at doing the pitch the way I was taught by the company I worked for. I was taught to sell on the premises of saving soap and keeping the plumbing from clogging.
It wasn’t long into my research that I decided to take out the water softener and reverse osmosis system in my home. I knew then that I did not want salt-softened, demineralized, acidic, dead water to drink or in the plumbing of my homes. Sodium can be absorbed through the skin in your bath or shower, and at the same time, it can destroy your plumbing and appliances.
I was going to leave the business, but then something happened. I woke up one morning, thinking about how the natural hydrological cycle of the earth treats the water, and so that led me to design a whole-house water filtration system which mimics that natural cycle of the earth.